

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party is one of the most important events in the American Revolution.This protests originate when the Colonists started complaining about the tax the British had put on every day life ecencial products, such as paper glass and most important in this case TEA.o Colonists then decides to stop buying wichever tea that camed from England, and started buying smogle tea from the Duetch that did not had tax. As this protest continued the British East Indian Company was being siriously affected because Colonist did not buy their tea. So the parliament decided to allow the Company to sell the tea directly to the colonists causing that at the end British tea was chipper than the one they smogle from the Duetch, even with the taxes allready charged.But for all this that was happening Colonists did thought that British were trying just to trick them making them buy their tea and pay the taxes.

So on Dicember 16 of 1773 the Boston Patriots took maters into their own hands and so they dressed as Indians and went to the Harbor where three ships full of British tea had arived, they boarded the ships and destroyed all the tea by thowing it into the ocean. So all this revelion was given the name as The Boston Tea party which is one of the most famous incidents in Ameican history.

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